Childcare Licensing And Regulation Information System
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Create CLARIS User Profile
Good Beginnings Last a Lifetime!
Please enter the following:
I am creating a Child Care Account for : Person Owner
Organization Owner  (Your facility is owned by a corporation, LLC, LLP, government entity/agency or school district)
Do you have a KDHE Organization ID ? Yes
Organization Id : *
Your Organization Legal Name :
(Use the legal name you use for tax purposes)
Doing Business As:
Corporate Business Entity Identification Number (CBEIN) :
Federal Entity ID (FEIN):
State TaxID #:
Web Address :
Do you have a KDHE Person ID ? Yes
Use the legal name that is used for tax purposes.
First Name : *
Middle Name :
Last Name : *
Social Security Number:
Date of Birth : MMDDYYYY *
Gender : Male Female
Person ID : *
Date of Birth : *MMDDYYYY*
Relationship : *
Effective Date : *
Email Address : *
Primary Phone : Ext: *
Use numbers only. Special characters are not allowed.
License Number:
If you have a license number, enter the first 7 digits including the leading zeros. DO NOT enter the hyphen and 3 numbers.
Retype the CAPTCHA code from the image
Change the CAPTCHA codeSpeak the CAPTCHA code

Retype the characters from the picture:

By Agreeing to this CLARIS User Security and Confidentiality Agreement, I agree to:

populated upon choice of CLARIS account.

I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the CLARIS User Security and Confidentiality Agreement. I understand that the KDHE Child Care Licensing CLARIS Security Manager may terminate my access to CLARIS for any reason. I understand that my access to CLARIS will be terminated for any violations of the CLARIS User Security and Confidentiality Agreement and that I may be subject to penalities imposed by law.
Do you agree with the terms of this usage agreement? I Agree I Do Not Agree
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[logo: KDHE seal]
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Division of Health
Bureau of Family Health
1000 SW Jackson, Suite 200
Topeka, KS 66612-1274
Telephone: (785) 296-1270
To submit Application Documents email:
To submit a question(s) for Child Care Licensing: CCL Inquiry Forms